Nous sommes en vacances du 26 Décembre au 5 Janvier 2024. Les expéditions seront faites à partir du 9 Janvier 2024.
Nom de bateau sur la bôme en adhésif
Nom de bateau sur la bôme en adhésif

Adhesive boat name on the boom

Tax included
per unit

The kit includes 1 unit and an installation manual CAUTION: TO HAVE 2 (starboard / port) put 2 in quantity.

8 years durability

Option image
Option image

Please note that the height will be changed from the highest letter to the lowest letter.

per unit
This product is no longer in stock with the selected values, please select smaller values.

nom bôme


For easy installation, without folds or bubbles, we recommend using an installation squeegee sold in our accessories section.

Attention: The name of your boat will be made according to your input.

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