Nous sommes en vacances du 26 Décembre au 5 Janvier 2024. Les expéditions seront faites à partir du 9 Janvier 2024.
micro perforé pour vitre

Micro Perforated Film For Lagoon Catamaran Window

Tax included

Adhesive durability: 8 years

The kit includes your micro-perforated polymer film , installation instructions.

Attention film by the meter

The dimensions are: L by the meter x H with a width of 1520 mm,

Advice: for a bubble-free application, use our professional installation squeegees, see accessories section

Micro perforé Micro 1


160 micron thickness, 30% holes, polymer adhesive, durability up to 8 years,

the micro-perforated adhesive is applied from the outside, as originally.